Magnum One
Magnum One (Mid-American Digital) (Disc Manufacturing).iso
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Text File
276 lines
// This TELIX 3.11 script completely parses the file list, expands any
// wildcards, and calls the Jmodem program once for each resulting fully
// quaified filename. Each file transfer attempt is noted in the file
// "Jmodem.log" in the directory specified by the TELIX environment
// variable. If no directory is specified, the log is written in the
// current directory.
// Written by: Michael K. Bozovich
// Date: 3-19-89
/////// Integer Variable Declarations.
int pointer = 0; // String pointer.
int done = 0; // Break flag.
int handle; // Log file handle.
/////// String Variable Declarations.
str port[1]; // COM port number.
str fname[64]; // Scratch buffer.
str path[64]; // Path name of file(s) to xfer.
str logfile[75]; // Log file name.
str scratch[64]; // Scratch buffer.
str xferdir[64]; // Transfer directory.
str crlf[2] = "^m^j"; // Carriage Return/Line Feed.
str eofchar[1] = "^z"; // End of file character.
main(str mode)
/////// Determine whether uploading or downloading.
if(mode == "S")
xferdir = _up_dir;
xferdir = _down_dir;
/////// Get current port number as a string.
itos(get_port(), port);
/////// Build log file name.
logfile = _telix_dir; // Try to use TELIX directory.
strcat(logfile, "jmodem.log"); // If user didn't specify it, put file
// in the current directory.
/////// Write the header if we had to create the file.
if (! filefind(logfile, 0, path))
handle = fopen(logfile, "a+");
fwrite(" TELIX JMODEM File Transfer Log", 51, handle);
fwrite("^m^j", 2, handle);
fwrite("^m^j", 2, handle);
fwrite("^z", 1, handle);
/////// Loop until the file list is exhausted.
/////// Strip any leading spaces from file list.
_ext_filespec = ltrim(_ext_filespec);
/////// Find the first space in the file list.
pointer = strpos(_ext_filespec, " ", pointer);
if (pointer == -1) // No spaces, only one file left.
scratch = _ext_filespec;
done = 1; // Set break flag.
else // Strip the first file from list.
substr(_ext_filespec, 0, pointer, scratch);
substr(_ext_filespec, pointer + 1, 64, _ext_filespec);
pointer = 0; // Reset pointer.
/////// Fully qualify the resultant file name.
if(strpos(scratch, "\", 0) == -1) // User didn't specify a path.
if(strpos(scratch, ":", 0) == -1) // Or a drive.
// Let TELIX specify it, then!!
inschrs(xferdir, scratch, 0, strlen(xferdir));
/////// Strip the resulting drive/pathname because
/////// the filefind() function does not retain it!
fnstrip(scratch, 12, path);
if(mode == "S") // User is uploading.
/////// Expand any wild cards while making sure the file exists.
while (filefind(scratch, 0, fname) != 0)
jmodem(mode, port, fname, path);
scratch = ""; // Prepare to find next matching file.
else // User is downloading.
/////// Make sure that file DOES NOT exist.
if(filefind(scratch, 0, fname) == 0)
jmodem(mode, port, scratch, path);
printsc("The file ");
prints(" already exists! It's download was ABORTED.");
/////// Erase the temporary file used for size determination.
dos("erase jsize.$$$", 0);
/////// Return to terminal.
jmodem(str mode, str port, str fname, str path)
/////// Integer Variable Declarations.
int size; // Numeric count of bytes transferred.
int handle; // Log file handle.
int abort; // Jmodem return code.
int start; // Used to time transfer.
/////// String Variable Declarations.
str cps[5]; // Transfer speed.
str comline[70]; // Jmodem command line buffer.
str buff[110]; // Scratch buffer used to build log entry.
str bytes[7]; // String cast of "size".
str baud[6]; // Port speed.
str elapse[5]; // String cast of transfer time.
str xfer_date[8]; // Today's date.
str status[] = "COMPLETED"; // String to hold status of transfer.
str crlf[2] = "^m^j"; // Carriage Return/Line Feed.
str eofchar[1] = "^z"; // End of file character.
/////// Build the Jmodem command string.
comline = mode;
strcat(comline, port);
strcat(comline, " ");
if(mode == "S")
inschrs(path, fname, 0, strlen(path)); // Restore path information.
strcat(comline, fname);
/////// Run the Jmodem program with the command line just built.
start = curtime(); // Start timing.
abort = run("jmodem", comline, 0);
start = curtime() - start; // Finished.
/////// Calculate the file size.
run("jsize", fname); // Run the kludge.
handle = fopen("jsize.$$$", "r+"); // Open temporary file.
fread(bytes, 7, handle); // Read the number of bytes.
fclose(handle); // Close the file.
/////// Determine status of the transfer.
status = "*ABORTED*";
size = 0;
size = stoi(ltrim(bytes));
/////// Open log for appending.
handle = fopen(logfile, "a+");
/////// Move the file pointer to the end of file marker.
fseek(handle, -1, 2);
/////// Build the log entry in a scratch buffer.
buff = mode; // Get the transfer mode.
pad(buff, bytes, 7); // Insert spaces.
strcat(buff, bytes); // Append size to buff.
itos(get_baud(), baud); // Get baud rate - cast into string.
pad(buff, baud, 7); // Insert spaces.
strcat(buff, baud); // Append baud rate.
strcat(buff, " bps "); // Append units.
itos(start, elapse); // Get elapsed time - cast into string.
itos(size / start, cps); // Calculate speed - cast into string.
pad(buff, cps, 6); // Insert spaces.
strcat(buff, cps); // Append speed.
strcat(buff, " cps "); // Append units.
pad(buff, elapse, 6); // Insert spaces.
strcat(buff, elapse); // Append elapsed time.
strcat(buff, "s "); // Append units.
date(curtime(), xfer_date); // Get today's date.
strcat(buff, xfer_date); // Append it to the buffer.
strcat(buff, " "); // Insert a space.
strcat(buff, status); // Append status string.
strcat(buff, " "); // Insert a space.
strcat(buff, fname); // Append the file name.
strcat(buff, "^m^j"); // Append a newline.
strcat(buff, "^z"); // Append eof. -- DONE --
/////// Write the entry to the log.
fwrite(buff, strlen(buff), handle);
/////// Close the file.
ltrim(str str_2_trim)
int j;
if(j = strpos(str_2_trim, " ", 0) != 0)
substr(str_2_trim, 1, strlen(str_2_trim), str_2_trim);
pad(str buffer, str junk, int spaces)
int n;
for (n = 0; n != (spaces - strlen(junk)); n = n + 1)
strcat(buffer, " ");
// eof jxfer.slt